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25, massage therapist

Seen at: Mill City Tweed Ride.

What are you wearing? My blouse, cardigan and hat are thrifted. The skirt is from the '70s and altered by me. My shoes are from Urban Outfitters.

Describe your style: I tend to default to a classic masculine/feminine eclecticism that requires bike-ability. However, I'm a chameleon, always looking for occasions to bring out an eccentric yet appropriate side of my style.

Best store for vintage tweed? Estate sales, Etsy and thrift stores outside the city.

Who is your favorite tweed-clad character? I have two: Frog and Toad.

If your style were a song, what would it be? How can I pick one?! My style is more of a mixed tape.

What do you find appealing about early 20th-century fashion? Timeless staples that can be mixed with current trends for a stylish, wearable look.