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Everything melts in March, right? No. I think there was a March a few years back where it all went by the end, and the snow never came back. But it's the norm to come back from Spring Break, if you are lucky to take such a thing, and find vestigial drifts still marring the land. It all depends on a memory that gets lodged and sets the standard - filing your taxes on the 15th and seeing the last remains of winter gurgle down the gutters on their way to the drains, for example. That seems too long to bear. The idea that there will be snow around for another month - well, snap that icicle off the eave and plunge it into my heard pls thnx. You realize that our current consolation is "the probable end of subzero temps" and you realize it's not done. It's not done at all.

On the other hand, Oreos are now available with pastel-hued filling, which is an undeniable sign of spring. It's the little things that keep you going.

ADVERTISING BuzzFeed has another one of those "Sexist Ads from the Past" that remind you men were brutes and women were supposed to stay home and make food and perhaps pith themselves with a hatpin in case they felt they were getting "too smart" for their own good. It's fun to play with old ads, but it helps if you can add commentary that's something other than OMG WTF You guys/ Anyway, I guess I have to do this again. The last time someone did the Sexist Ads piece, they used this:

It doesn't seem to occur to the people who post this picture that the words were added. The typeface, the space between the quote mark and "Don't" - no alarm bells go off? Granted, it's a paraphrase of what the original ad said. This is the real thing.

Granted, the sentiment is the same, but A) it's a joke, and B) it's part of a series of Schlitz ads based on compensating for domestic strife with beer. They were all bad and Schiltz never tried this approach again. The percentage of ads that insulted women was quite low, because most ads in, say, Life magazine inthe 50s were aimed at women. They did most of the shopping. Didn't make sense to tell them they were hapless ninnies.

Please adjust your Pinterest pages accordingly.

ART A picture of a homeless man. It's the source that makes this shot different.

It's a screenshot from "Grand Theft Auto," rejiggered in Photoshop. More here.

THE WEB Let it go, man, let it go:

Twitter is good for things like this, but when you find yourself spending almost a hundred dollars to complain about a beastie in the hoagie, you might want to reconsider your life's goals. Never go full Ahab, man.

Related: This piece asks why "we" keep "buying into" the "Franchise Dream." Have you been buying into it recently? No? Me neither. Apparently owning one isn't a guarantee of riches, and the parent company can make you do things. And here I thought the contracts people signed said "Money will be delivered in large sacks every Tuesday, and feel free to change the name of the store to 'McDilland's,' if your fancy is thus suited."

Just checked the forecast: 43 on Sunday. The melt begins. Die, winter. Die.