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Age: 48, Party or principal: DFL, Job and title: Director, Accounting & Finance Practice, Search Leaders - Minneapolis; Chief Revenue Officer and Part Owner, AverQ, Inc. - Cupertino, CA; Vice Chair, Audit Committee -- Mayor's Appointee, City of Minneapolis, Neighborhood: Whittier, Website:

Priority, if elected: As your mayor, I will work tirelessly to make Minneapolis the smartest city in America, putting our children and education first. Access to quality public education is a fundamental American right. Realizing the full potential of our children is vital to the health of our economy and the future of our city. I will give priority to investments that provide the greatest return and deliver long-term, sustainable growth across our city. I will do this by leading a more open and transparent government. One that promotes citizen collaboration. Transparency breeds trust and trust is the foundation of great teamwork.

Ideas for job/population growth: Developing our underutilized riverfront will attract new residents, generate long-term, sustainable economic growth, and create living-wage careers for Minneapolis residents.

Ideas to reduce crime: Crime is a multi-dimensional issue. My plan is to create economic opportunity, ensure quality public education, and encourage greater community involvement in law enforcement.

Ideas to lower property taxes: We must grow our tax base by prioritizing only what provides the greatest return on investment. Over reliance on local government aid presents great risk.

Did you support or oppose the Minnesota Vikings stadium package, approved by the city in May 2012? Oppose. I'm all for development, but this process was not transparent, voters were not included, and the financing is not fair to taxpayers.

Should the city build a $200 million streetcar line along Nicollet and Central Avenues? No.

Should the mayor be allowed to appoint some school board members? No.

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