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Encouraging words I am training for my second Iron Girl duathlon at the end of the month. My kids inspire me, and so do their favorite movies and books. I often have little blurbs of dialogue or songs from their favorites looping through my head when I'm working out.

Lightning McQueen declares confidently in the opening scene of "Cars": "Speed. I am speed. I eat losers for breakfast. " For me, the reality is. "Slow. I am slow. I eat waffles for breakfast." But I digress.

Then, I'll hear the persistent Dorie in "Finding Nemo" as she says, "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming." I turn it to "Just keep running. Just keep running." Pedaling up an intimidating hill on my bike I think of The Little Engine That Could. "I think I can. I think I can."

But I've done this race before and change the script to: "I know I can! I know I can!" And that makes all the difference.