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Serial wife-shover prepares for a stint in the Stony Lonesome?

"Good behavior" in Sheen terms is probably a relative thing, but it will probably be difficult for him to make enough connections in jail to get a spouse, a shank, and a gallon of moonshine. It takes weeks to earn trust. Or he could buy it, paying everyone off in cigarettes and show tickets. Anyway, he can afford it: the article notes that Sheen is the highest paid actor on TV. He'll make more money on interest while he's in jail than most people probably make in ten years. In case anyone's worried:

You may now exhale in grateful relief. "No contest," by the way, is a way of saying "I'm really not guilty, but they had so much totally coincidental evidence I would have probably been convicted unjustly." In Latin it's nolo contendre. If you can remember that, then you've learned something from this sordid story. We always like to start the morning with a silver lining.