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Commenter Newbie writes about sports and competitions a little outside the mainstream. This week, he tries to lure occasional guest poster Amber back into the fray. Newbie? ----------

I feel I can speak for all of us on RandBall when I say that there are three things we like to read about here: sports, food, and cute girls eating food (preferably sports themed).

Therefore I issue a challenge to the, seemingly, only female food correspondent that will try food, review it for us, and post pictures of her eating it ... Amber. ESPN's Facebook page is offering a fan vote of the "Greatest Sports Sandwich." These are sandwiches that are either created by, or inspired by an athlete. For example 'The Zach Johnson' hoagie at a deli in Des Moines. The challenge to Amber: to review the winning sandwich for this blog. Or just review one of the sandwiches from the list... or, because none of these are within the state of Minnesota, find and submit a suitable entry from Minnesota, and review that one. [Proprietor note: We have been in contact with Amber regarding this challenge. Here is what she has to say (sounds like it's a go): So basically he wants to see me eat something again? lol I'd be down to eat the winning sandwich and review it, but I'd likely have to recreate it myself unless the RandBall Travel Fund wants to send me somewhere to eat it! According to the Contest Rules, it ends on June 5th so we'll have to keep an eye on it and see how that ends up.] The challenge for you readers; 'design' a sandwich for one a local hero and pick a restaurant/deli that might be willing to offer it. Let's avoid food jokes like 'Alexi Casilla Noodle Soup' because we all know that's how engaged his limbs are in any given game. [Proprietor note: We have no idea what this means]. But come up with a legitimate sandwich. For example we might go to Keys Cafe and request they make a 'Joe Mauer.' That would be a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich on white bread. The Joe Mauer is simple, not too fancy, unassuming ... but it's going to cost you more than a normal sandwich, because it comes with Pringles (which are awesome, most of the time). So you figure this sandwich better be really good for that kind of money. Only problem is, after you pay for it you remember you are allergic to peanuts. So is a large contingent of Twins fans, except Telly Hughes. Your suggestions on local athlete sandwich/deli combinations (real or sardonic), or if you have already tried one of the other sandwiches and care to review it, in the comments please.