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Brett Favre flew home to Mississippi on Tuesday morning presumably uncertain about whether he will return to the Vikings for a second season. Favre's older brother, Scott, said at some point soon the two will get together to play golf and perhaps talk about Brett's future plans.

"I'm sure once he's healed up a little bit I'll try to get him out on the course and start playing," Scott said Tuesday. "Right now he couldn't swing [a club]. He was beat up physically and mentally [against the Saints]. He was emotionally drained. Physically, he hurt both wrists, both ankles, one leg, head bruised. He was beat all to hell. That's part of it. "I'll go up there and hang out with him. We'll talk about [his plans] at some point. I'm not not going to bring it up and ask him what he's doing because there's no telling how many people have already asked him. But he'll talk about it at some point." Scott talks to his brother often and said he doesn't think Brett has made a decision on whether he will retire again. "No, I don't think he has," he said. "It's such a tough loss that if he made a decision right now it wouldn't be one with a clear mind I don't think. I think he needs to get away from it. As beat up as he was emotionally, physically, he couldn't make the right decision or a clear decision right then." Scott said personally he is torn about what he wants his brother to do. "Part of me wants him to come back and part of me doesn't," he said. "I think the team is there to make another run, but I just felt like it was something special this year. I just felt like the chemistry was there. I just felt like it was there for the taking this year. Not that it can't happen again. I feel like he really bonded with the guys, he really likes the guys. I can just see the emotion and the way he got along with everybody. I think that's probably what made it hurt so bad. I knew he wanted it for himself but he wanted it for those guys too." Scott said he thinks it will be difficult for Brett to walk away because he enjoyed playing with this team and the relationship he formed with his teammates. "I feel like there was a special bond with those guys," he said. "He really does like them. I know with him and Sidney and Percy and Adrian. All of them. The line, defensive guys. For some reason he just bonded with them from the start. They took him in. He just fit in. Sometimes that happens and I definitely think he felt comfortable and wanted there from the start." We'll have more of Scott's thoughts on his brother's season, his experience in Minnesota and his future online and in the paper later.