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No, there's no connection between the items in the headline. Sorry. Let us begin by matching wits with Minneapolis' forgotten ace detective, Lance Lawson.

That was quick, wasn't it? Solution at the bottom.

CONFECTIONS The recent discussion of daily Oreo-related conceptual art - really, it's a few posts down - neglected to mention a peculiar development in the cookie world. Candy-corn flavored Oreos.

No. This isn't as bad as Jones Soda's Candy-corn flavored pop, which was so sweet it would give diabetes to a rock if topically applied. But - no. That's just my opinion; I don't abhor candy corn, but it holds no appeal, thanks to a childhood overdose that left me somewhat averse to its charms. In related news, the NYC big-soda ban has passed:

What a great name: Sixto R. Caro. It's a variant on Sextus, and as you might imagine, means "sixth." The other famous Sixto is Sixto Rodriguez, whose "signature" song was called . . . "Sugar Man." And "Caro," of course, is one way to spell a famous brand of corn-based syrup.

I think it's rather clear where that dissenting vote came from. The man's bought and paid for.

HISTORY So how do we know the body found under a parking lot might be Richard the Third? We don't, conclusively, but there's this:

Ouch. Think of that the next time someone says "It's good to be king." Then there's this:

So having a barbed iron arrowhead in your back doesn't really narrow it down as much as you'd think.

Who was Richard? You'll find more on his website, which forbids any reproduction of any commentary whatsoever. ANY REPRODUCTION.

I'll assume that means your URL, too? Fine. Go find it if you want it.

MOVIES Can't wait for this: (If it's not displaying, go HERE. Blog is acting janky today.

Ralph is a throwback videogame character, and meant to remind you of Donkey Kong. I didn't play much Kong - like PacMan, it was pattern memorization, not gameplay. Asteroids, now there was a game.

Go ahead. Play it.

SOLUTION Lance suspected the victim had been killed by his pal for two reasons: the victim would not have opened the door for a stranger, Nor would he have turned his back on one. Of course!