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For those too sick to work, ACA gives hope

My uncle, a 52-year-old in excellent health, was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer this month. He was given two to four years to live and started his first round of chemo last week.

His condition has rapidly deteriorated, and we were afraid he would not be able to work any longer, which we thought meant he would lose his health insurance, and then be unable to procure health insurance on the private market because of his pre-existing condition.

However, then we realized that this is what the Affordable Care Act was designed to prevent. Because of the ACA, after Jan. 1, 2014, private insurers will no longer be able to exclude or discriminate against those with pre-existing conditions.

This means that if my uncle has to quit his job because he is too sick to work, he will be able to purchase health insurance on the private market. This has been a huge weight off our minds, and made me realize how important the ACA is.

What would the Republicans have people like my uncle do if they are successful in their attempts to defund Obamacare? Simply go off and die without health insurance?

Quit his whining and pull himself up by his bootstraps? If they are so opposed to the ACA, I would like to hear what alternative they propose for people like my uncle who become too sick to work, but still desperately need health insurance.

EMMA DENNY, Minneapolis
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Does NFL hold owners to a different standard?

"It is important that the NFL be represented consistently by outstanding people as well as great football players, coaches and staff. We hold ourselves to higher standards of responsible conduct because of what it means to be part of the National Football League." So says Commissioner Roger Goodell.

A man of his word, Goodell suspended Adam "Pacman" Jones for the entire 2007 season after multiple felony charges were filed against him. And four players and four coaches from the New Orleans Saints were suspended as part of the Saints bounty program.

So what should the NFL do with owners who are fined $84.5 million and whom a judge said acted in "bad faith and evil motive"? Are players and coaches held to one standard and owners to another? Are these the kind of people Minnesota and Minneapolis should be enriching with public financing for a stadium? The NFL should expect more, and Minnesota should demand better.

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He wants new focus on healing, justice, peace

The Sept. 23 letter writer who admonished Pope Francis for calling abortion a "small issue" may not have read the text of the interview. Pope Francis compared the church's role in the world to that of "a field hospital after battle," first dispensing mercy.

He said, "The church sometimes has locked itself up in small things, in small-minded rules. The most important thing is the first proclamation: Jesus Christ has saved you. And the ministers of the church must be ministers of mercy above all."

Of course he doesn't deem abortion a small issue. He was talking about how the clergy must meet people where they are in order to bring healing, justice and peace.

He also said, "The people of God want pastors, not clergy acting like bureaucrats or government officials."

Pope Francis is setting a tone that, with support within the Catholic hierarchy and momentum, may help the Church become vital and loving again.

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Edina decision ignores U.S. law, economics

Last week's decision by Edina's City Council to use eminent domain to take private property reveals that at least three of the five members don't understand the importance of property rights in American law and economics ("Edina votes to condemn building to make room for public parking," Sept. 18).

The city's basis for the taking — to create more parking — is a flimsy and false excuse. The alleged shortage can be solved in other ways, including building additional levels on two nearby ramps. The city's real reason for voting to condemn Hooten Cleaners is based on arbitrary aesthetics — not a valid reason to destroy someone's livelihood.

Fortunately, the property owners — who are hardworking immigrants — understand better what it is to be Americans. They are on the side of liberty and are fighting back. Edina's use of the tyrannical power of eminent domain is worthy of their and the public's continued opposition.


The writer is an attorney at the Institute for Justice, the law firm that represented the property owners in the 2005 eminent domain case Kelo vs. City of New London before the U.S. Supreme Court.

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One person's 'jiggle' is another's supple muscle

In response to Tuesday's letter regarding Jared Allen's "jiggle," sorry to burst your bubble, but the jiggle is all muscle. With his arms raised, you are seeing the triceps muscle in its supple, relaxed state. When contracted, Jared's jiggle is like a rock. Look closely and you'll see the muscles of athletes jiggling all the time.