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Two outside contributions:

1) That picture you see is the newest offspring from the Artist Formerly Known As AZGopherGirl. You might recognize her now as Azgginchi since her move to Illinois. You also might notice she has fashioned the RandBall shirt into some sort of crude and awesome diaper. Nicely done!

2) Our pal and RandBall foreign correspondent Jody makes random notes to himself on his iPhone. Over the course of a slow summer, we might let a few of these lists trickle out as commenter talkers. We discovered this as a house party turned into a dance party Saturday and we declared, "This rug isn't going to cut itself," in cajoling someone into getting their groove on. This was said while the person was standing on a rug. Jody, very amused, jotted it down in his phone as a funny expression that he could bust out in future situations. So that gives you an idea about Jody.

In any event, the first note/list we would like to share with you via Jody is "Things to do when you can't think of things to do." We swear, this is not made up. These are actually kept on a file in his phone, presumably for a rainy day:

1) Drink champagne.

2) Watch "Teen Wolf."

3) Photoshop a picture of a human smile on a moose.

Feel free to add your own amusing thoughts to the list and/or picture in the comments.