See more of the story, the radar-based daily update on migration this morning shows moderate bird movement into Iowa. The predicted upcoming decent weather will bring some of those birds into Minnesota. The report also shows strong migrant arrival along the Texas gulf coast. Those birds should move north directly. Next week could be great.

I've added Fox Sparrow to the short list of spring migrants seen so far in our neighborhood. I found four Fox yesterday and two today. They are down in the brush or on quiet road edges, scratching for food. They jump forward, then pull backward, using feet to expose food in the leaves or grass. Their motion makes them easier to find, sometimes by the sound of rustling leaves.

Song Sparrows have been here for over a week, and I've seen both kinglets, Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned. There are many species of waterfowl, including loons on at least two neighborhood lakes.

Fox Sparrow