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Quick Q&A




Skoyen led the Hastings boys' basketball team in scoring (16 points per game) a year ago, and looks to pick up right where he left off this season. Here is a closer look at Skoyen:

The best movie you've seen in the last year? "21 Jump Street."

Three words or phrases your friends or teammates might use to describe you: Outgoing; smart; overall nice person.

What are your three favorite apps? Twitter; Candy Crush; Netflix.

Who do you like to follow the most on Twitter, and why? Miley Cyrus because since her "change" her tweets have been hilarious.

At my first varsity practice, I felt … very excited and nervous.

What did you work on most in the offseason? I worked on strength, shooting, ball handling and quickness.

What is your most memorable moment as a high school athlete? When I first stepped foot on the varsity court as a freshman.

What are your goals for the upcoming season? To improve my overall game and be the best teammate I can be.

If you could change one thing about high school sports, what would it be? Make the games longer.

How do you balance school and sports during the year? School always comes first, then basketball.

What is your favorite meal before a game? Mom's spaghetti.