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Q: You're best known for your Twitter account, @meatpit. Comedic persona or reality?

A: It started out as being pretty true to my personality but I like to think I've grown up and become at least slightly less creepy than the Meatpit reputation makes me out to be. I'll let you in on a secret though: Whenever I have an uncredited "quote" it's usually just a super shallow or incriminating thought I don't want attributed to me.

Q: Biggest turn-on?

A: Nothing says "I'm a grown-ass man" quite like a nicely decorated house/apartment.

Q: Biggest turnoff?

A: Public sweatpants. The world is not your pajama party.

Q: Favorite place to people-watch?

A: I sat at the Hard Rock Cafe to watch the Juggalos at First Ave once, and that was fun. But then they ended up being kind of nice, so I felt bad for making fun of them. I'm pretty sure one was in straight-up blackface, though, so that was weird.

Q: What is the weirdest job you've had?

A: I used to drive the Paratransit van for the U of M, meaning I drove handicapped people to their classes. My favorite client was an old blind Romanian woman with gold teeth named Coco. She would call me a beautiful princess (which I totally am, but how did she know?!) and bring me progressively rotting apples or wheels of cheese as presents all the time, and say, "Ahh, yes, you like thisss!" It was a pretty sweet gig but my bosses finally realized I wasn't a student and had to fire me.