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A day after being held to a season-low 51 yards rushing in a loss to the Chicago Bears, Adrian Peterson had another rough day on Monday.

The Pro Bowl running back not only was pulled over by Eden Prairie police and given a ticket for going 53 miles per hour in a 35 mph zone near the Vikings training facility, but he also ended up missing the team meeting that started around 1 p.m. Peterson could face some type of discipline from the team, although if it's a fine it will not be announced.

It's likely Peterson was hurrying to get to Winter Park because he already was late for the meeting. Peterson did not appear in the locker room during the player access period this afternoon.

Peterson has been disciplined by being held out of games twice before by coach Brad Childress after being tardy. He was benched for the opening series during the final game of his rookie season in 2007 at Denver after showing up late for the team bus. In November 2008, Peterson sat on the bench for the opening two series at Jacksonville after he and cornerback Cedric Griffin weren't on time for a team meeting the day before the game.

In both those cases, Peterson was late for something the day before a game. Considering this happened on a Monday, it's hard to believe he would be forced to sit at all when the Vikings play host to Green Bay on Sunday.

This isn't the first time Peterson has gained unwanted attention for getting a speeding ticket. He was issued a ticket last November after being clocked driving 109 in a 55 mph stretch of Crosstown Hwy. 62. Peterson later pleaded guilty to driving 99 miles per hour and was ordered to perform 16 hours of community service at a children's hospital.

In that case, Peterson was trying to get downtown to the Vikings hotel on time the night before a game against Chicago. He said he was not late when he was pulled over but he didn't make it on time after police stopped him. Peterson can pay this latest ticket or contest it by setting up a court date with Hennepin County.