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Surprise: Paris Hilton might be an undermotivated individual whose sense of privilege overrides contractual deals with mere mortals:

Most people would grant nine requests to have their teeth extracted with a claw hammer for a million dollars, but Paris couldn't be bothered. Or so they say:

Oh, and you were doing so well until you brought up actors. I thought we were talking about Paris. Of course, she has a different opinion:

You have to love the idea of Paris Hilton agonizing over the finished cut - where was the deeply moving, socially conscious, yet totally hot movie I thought we were making? The film only made $2.9 million because it was a horrible movie starring someone no one wants to see act. The average rating on imdb is 1.6 stars, and the reviews have lines like this: "even a boatload full of topless college girls couldn't make me ignore my sudden urge to drown in my own blood." Read the reviews: this movie couldn't be worse if Snooki had a cameo as the Magic Bronzer Fairy.