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Looking forward to the day when you can vote from a secure, certified phone app, that's all I'm going to say. But it would have to have a screen where a senior citizen hands you off to the actual voting; wouldn't be the same otherwise.

GEEK DISMAY Headline: "Those Comics in Your Basement? Probably Worthless." But I don't have any comics in my basement. I have some in plastic envelopes upstairs, but I don't think they're worthless. Therefore this doesn't apply to me at all, and I needn't read it. Moving right along -

Oh, all right, for the sake of those who do have comics in the basement.

The entire 1,200 comic collection was worth about $500. Which, you might note, means that they had worth. To someone, anyway. No, it's not a house payment, and yes, people overvalue their stash:

That first edition of "Beanie Baby Adventures" HAS to be worth a grand, though. C'mon.

GAMES No, gaming isn't an art form. No, not at all.

A Brief History of Video Game Title Design from Art of the Title on Vimeo.

Just when I was thinking "where's 'Full Throttle'?" there it is. In a similar vein:

One does not get the sense of constant progress. But at least you're reminded that "Aloha, Scooby Doo" existed, once. I understand all copies were destroyed.

Worth it for the music, if you need something to pep you up for the rest of the afternoon. It's "Shopping for Explosives" by Coconut Monkeyrocket.

FLIPPER NEWS Aeon mag asks: Is there some special bond between humans and dolphins?

How can you be a fledgling dolphin researcher and not wonder about the dolphin-human bond?

As for the bond, I think it's anthropomorphic projection. They're fascinating creatures, but if they didn't look as if they were smiling, people might not read so much into their character and actions. And I say that as someone who's had hands-on experience with the beasts, and watched them come alongside the ship as we left port and jump up the air as if saying goodbye, or hoping we threw out some edible garbage.

Only a matter of time before they show their true faces.