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It has now been about three weeks since Obama took over the reigns of Government. How is he doing?

Let's look at some of his nominees for his cabinet. Obama promised us that politics as usual would be over and that lobbyists would not be welcome in his new Administration. This was a welcome message to voters. Then came Senator Tom Daschle. Senator Daschle is a muti-million dollar Washington lobbyist that was picked to lead Obama's health overhaul. What happened to the no lobbyist pledge? How quick that pledge was forgotten. In addition to his lobbyist background, Senator Daschle had a little problem with his taxes and was discarded. I do not think the Tom Daschle is the type of outsider that the public was invisioning when they voted for Obama.

Next came the plege of doing things differently and bringing a new bi-partisan spirit to our Nation's capital. The results so far are less than encouraging. Not a single House Republican voted for his stimulus package. A straight party line vote. So far not much has changed in Washington. It does appear that Obama will get his stimulus package passed thanks to three moderate Republican senators that appear to be ready to break from their partisan ranks and vote for the package. I guess this is progress.

I really want Obama to succeed in his efforts to solve our Nation's problems and to end politics as usual is Washington. I hope that Obama is a quick study and learns from his somewhat rocky start. We cannot afford to have him fail. Good luck Obama.

Dean Barkley