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A Minnesota man has been recognized by the American College of Cardiology for transforming his life, and his body, after a procedure to treat his atrial fibrillation.

Marcus McCleery of New London weighed nearly 400 pounds, largely due to his heart condition, making it nearly impossible for him to live an active life. But, after two surgeries in two years, McCleery took back control of his life.

Over time, as he became more and more active and was smarter about what he ate, McCleery lost 183 pounds. The one-time couch potato now participates in triathlons, is an avid cyclist, runner and kayaker. He volunteers for the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation. He also created the Web site: ,

For his example, McCleery was recognized by the ACC's "I am CardioSmart" Contest.

The Star Tribune featured McCleery's journey here:

For more information about the symptoms of atrial fibrillation and its treatments, go here: