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The tables are turned on Cork O'Connor, the cop turned private investigator: This time, it's his own neck he must save.

Cork and his lifelong friend Jubal Little, the governor-elect of Minnesota and the first American Indian to win the job, are bow hunting together in a remote area when an arrow pierces Jubal's heart. Sensing the wound is fatal, Jubal begs Cork to stay with him rather than go for help. Later, Cork must try to explain why he waited three hours to notify authorities -- and why the arrow appears to be his.

Parallel investigations begin -- the sheriff's department looking for evidence against Cork, and Cork trying to clear his name. As the primary suspect, he must tread carefully as he tries to piece together who might have wanted to both kill Jubal and frame him for the murder.

The novel, Krueger's 12th featuring O'Connor, is rich with description and Minnesota lore. Clearly Krueger has done his research on Ojibwe and Minnesota culture and issues. His attention to detail provides a wonderful sense of place familiar to Minnesotans, intriguing to others.

Although the novel is part of a series, it stands well on its own; it's an absorbing plot and a rewarding read.