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Colleague Ken Chia reports a very strange sight at a downtown Minneapolis roast beef emporium. He walked in the other day to obtain a sandwich and observed a middle-aged businessman reading a Star Tribune sports section.

THAT'S NOT THE WEIRD PART, so save your "obsolete technology" jokes.

The weird part is that the newspaper he was reading was from 2007. Ken Chia has a keen eye, and he was able to discern exactly which date and page: Sept. 10, 2007, Page C13 -- the jump of a game story after Adrian Peterson's first game as a Viking, a 24-3 victory over the Falcons.

Who was this man? He was, again, dressed in business attire. Was he from the past? The future? Why did he have a five-year-old newspaper? We are really weirded out by this.

UPDATE: Reader Tyler just sent us an e-mail: This gentleman rides my bus. Reads an old Strib every day. He responds by saying he will "eventually get caught up " when people ask him about it. Saw him zeroing in on that hot McNabb to the Vikings rumor just last week. Enjoyed the story.

Mystery solved ... kind of?