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The feds want the public's help in tracking down Zidzislaw (Jimmy) Szypulski, Omran Alghazouli, Peter Kuhn and nine others on a most-wanted list. They're not your usual suspects: Their faces and stories are displayed on the Environmental Protection Agency's Fugitives page, men accused of such offenses as smuggling ozone-depleting chemicals, pouring hazardous waste in the ocean and dumping poisonous mining wastes onto public lands.

The "most wanted" format, best known from the FBI's roster, has truly gone well beyond its origins. Here are some other notable rogues galleries:

More than 170 most wanted "health care fugitives": doctors, health care business owners and others accused of defrauding government health care programs and now sought by the inspector general of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The same agency also ranks its most-wanted child support deadbeats. Topping the list is a Michigan man named Joseph Stroup, who supposedly owes his kids $559,000, but has chosen to go on the lam since 1998.

The State Department's Rewards for Justice page puts a dollar figure on the most-wanted terrorists. Topping the list is Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's second-in-command, whose capture could earn the tipster $25 million. That's more than twice the payout promised for the next tier of suspects, including the elusive Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, ousted by the U.S.-led attack after 9/11. Anyone who turns in Omar or any of the five others stand to gain $10 million.

Interpol currently has 336 names on its most wanted database, including murderers from all over. The list maintained by the Minnesota Department of Correction features fugitives missing for more than 30 years as well as those who disappeared this week. Local agencies have their own wanted lists, and often the offenders look somewhat less fearsome. Take Mankato, whose most wanted list, which includes a guy in a Kermit-the-frog shirt.