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Rocco Karlsen, 11, Minneapolis (As told by his mom, Chieko)

Every hunting opener my husband, his brother and father go Up North. This year, my oldest son Rocco went hunting for the first time with his father, Dean, grandfather Ralph Karlsen, uncle Andrew Karlsen and aunt Rapahel Cooley, near Warroad, where great-grandma Norma Karlsen, 94, is healthy and happy. Luck was on Rocco's side, as he was able to take a 9-point buck down with one clean shot through the vitals. He got it on the opener, which happened to be his dad's 40th birthday!

Taylor Dahl, Moorhead (above)

(As told by dad, Ross)

My son shot this 10-point buck on his Grandpa's land near Manchester, Minn. He first spotted it courting a doe in a picked cornfield. Then the buck bolted toward Taylor, and he shot it at 55 yards. He was so excited. It was the biggest buck he has ever gotten. My sons and I have been hunting there for 15 years, and we were finally able to score on a big buck!

Hunter Kincade, 18, New Prague (right)

I was sitting in my stand about to fall asleep when an 8-point buck trotted right in front of me. My brother was sitting next to me; he was sleeping so I elbowed him to wake up. He did, and his eyes opened wide when he saw the deer. Then I made a perfect shot.

Daniel Porisch, 10, Edina

(As told by dad, John)

After spending opening day watching a group of five moose in a picked cornfield near Climax, Minn., (16 miles south of Crookston) we went up into our tree stand.

After nearly two hours of sitting in the stand, Daniel turned to me and said, "Do you realize how boring this is?" Not more than five minutes after I explained to him that anything can happen at any time, this yearling buck came under our stand and Daniel made his first and only shot, bagging his first-ever deer. He was so excited. It was a nice father-son moment.