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Superior National Forest officials reported Friday that crews continue to tamp down a 209-acre wildfire in a forest area northwest of Isabella, Minn. It remains 75% contained. Cool temperatures and moist weather continue to help the effort.

On Wednesday afternoon, forest officials reported the fire outside a prescribed burn area north of Hwy. 1. In an update on the fire Thursday morning, the Forest Service said in a news release that the "spot fire" began within the controlled burn area in the 72-acre Fry Unit, near Little Isabella River Campground and east of Fish Fry Lake.

"Engines and crews have engaged on the fire again this morning (May 17) and have continued to mop up hot spots while improving and strengthening the control lines working towards containment. Fire activity is reported as minimal," the Forest Service wrote in a news release.

There remains no current threat to structures or property, the agency added.

Aircraft effectively dumped water on the fire Wednesday, with support from ground crews. Weather conditions, including light rain and cloud cover, have helped Wednesday into Thursday, the Forest Service added. Six engines with crews, two hotshot crews, one dozer and several individual firefighters have fought the blaze.

"The rainfall, high humidity levels, and cooler temperatures have all helped subdue the fire activity and allowed crews to start working directly on securing the edge of the fire," according to the Forest Service. "Firefighters are using roads, trails and fire lines to access and secure the fire edge and work on mop up along the fire's edge."

The agency has several planned prescribed burns this spring to reduce dangerous fuel loads, some created by factors like spruce budworm, which has killed off balsam firs. Crews burned 159 acres beginning Wednesday in the Slim Lake South Unit northwest of Ely and Burntside Lake and partly within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Crews recently finished a 390-acre burn off the Gunflint Trail.

Current Status: Cooler temperatures and higher humidity levels continue to be experienced over the area keeping fire activity minimal on May 16 and 17. Engines and crews have engaged on the fire again this morning (May 17) and have continued to mop up hot spots while improving and strengthening the control lines working towards containment. Fire activity is reported as minimal with only a few areas of creeping and smoldering. Minimal smoke is coming from the fire area. There continues to be no immediate threat to private property or structures.

Mopping up involves putting water on the fire, and using tools to mix it into the soil and duff to extinguish the heat until the area is cooled. Containment remains at 75% this morning as reported yesterday afternoon and the fire is not actively pushing in any direction right now.

Planned Actions: Crews and engines will remain on site today and keep working to secure the edge of the fire with control lines and work towards containment. Weather conditions are forecasted to help the firefighting efforts with cool temperatures, cloud cover, and high humidity levels. Fire activity is expected to remain minimal throughout the day. Crews are expected to continue to make good progress securing the lines and keeping the fire from spreading. Smoke from the fire is also anticipated to be minimal.