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As first reported by J. Patrick Coolican of the Star Tribune, the Minnesota Senate approved spending $7.2 million for an underground parking garage with 30 spaces at the Minnesota State Capitol.

From Coolican's story:

The spending authority for the $7.2 million parking garage was including in the bonding bill and was approved by the Minnesota Senate with bipartisan support. In response to Coolican's story, Bakk issued a press release with an alternative plan for parking near the State Capitol.

While it is unlikely the parking garage will ever be built (especially after Coolican's story + Minnesota House of Representatives did not approve bonding bill), the 30 parking spaces inside would be some of the most expensive parking spaces in Minnesota.

Jalopnik published a post a few years ago which listed the most expensive parking spaces in the world. The parking spaces approved by the Minnesota Senate would make Jalopnik's list.

Here's an example of an expensive parking space: Jay-Z received a parking space at the Barclays Center after he invested $1 million in the Brooklyn Nets. Jay-Z could have four spaces the State Capitol for $1 million - a real bargin!

Click here to read more about the most expensive parking spaces in the world.

Picture source: Jalopnik