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WHEREAS, The Minneapolis Star published its first Taste section on October 1, 1969.

WHEREAS, Taste -- one of the nation's first newspaper food sections -- has fostered a sense of community in the Twin Cities for 40 years.

WHEREAS, Taste has taught us how to cook and how to keep our families well-fed.

WHEREAS, Taste has brought to our attention the local farmers and artisans who produce our food, the shopkeepers and entrepreneurs who market it.

WHEREAS, Taste has encouraged us to gather around the dinner table with friends and family long before research told us how important that is.

WHEREAS, Taste has reviewed restaurants large and small, helping us determine how to spend our dollars and please our palates.

WHEREAS, Taste has guided us through the supermarket aisles.

WHEREAS, Taste has shown us how to be thrifty through good times and bad.

WHEREAS, Taste has broadened our global awareness of food and those who prepare it.

WHEREAS, Taste has kept us up-to-date on developments in nutrition.

WHEREAS, Taste has educated us on wine.

WHEREAS, Taste has brought readers inside the kitchens of hundreds of Twin Cities homes, where cooks have shared their recipes and stories.

WHEREAS, Taste has been a national and international award-winning leader in its field.

WHEREAS, Taste has shown us that Minnesota feeds the world.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Mayor R.T. Rybak proclaims October 1, 2009, to be Taste Day in the city of Minneapolis. In the years to come, may the Star Tribune Taste section continue to nourish minds and bodies with its thoughtful reverence for the food before us.