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1. "The Help," by Kathryn Stockett ($24.95, Putnam); 2. "Deliver Us From Evil," by David Baldacci ($27.99, Grand Central Publishing); 3. "This Body of Death," by Elizabeth George ($28.99, Harper) 4. "Changes," by Jim Butcher ($25.95, Roc Hardcover); 5. "The Double Comfort Safari Club," by Alexander McCall Smith ($24.99, Pantheon)


1. "The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine," by Michael Lewis ($27.95, W.W. Norton & Co.) 2. "Women, Food and God," by Geneen Roth, ($24, Scribner); 3. "We're Gonna Win, Twins!," by Doug Grow ($25.95, University of Minnesota Press); 4. "Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang," by Chelsea Handler ($25.99, Grand Central); 5. "This Time Together: Laughter and Reflection," by Carol Burnett ($25, Harmony)