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So John McCain is making money by mocking Barack Obama's suggestion to save fuel by making sure our tires are properly inflated and getting regular tuneups. An Aug. 5 article said McCain's presidential campaign is offering supporters tire gauges labeled "Obama Energy Plan" in exchange for a $25 donation.

As a drivers education instructor, I used textbooks that teach important strategies on improving gas mileage in any vehicle. These strategies include properly inflating your tires, having regular tuneups and using your cruise control whenever possible.

This tactic of making fun of tried and true research sounds eerily familiar. Remember how President Bush's cronies distorted and discredited research on global warming? Look where that has gotten us. It seems rather than come up with effective, researched plans of their own, the conservative Republicans would rather make trivial attacks to win over voters.

Wake up, voters! Don't get duped again by Karl Rove and his surrogates' tactics.