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As Philadelphia Eagles fans literally burned down their own city, moments after their team beat the Tom Brady-led New England Patriots, Minneapolis experienced its last night of Super Bowl madness. People honked and screamed out the windows of cars. Eagles fans, high on their team's first-ever Super Bowl victory, cheered and bullied anyone not able to properly respond to bird calls and pantomimes. A group of Patriots fans singled out a lone Eagles fan, called him "trash" and urged him to "go home."

But for all the bad blood, there was much harmony — like the Eagles and Patriots fans who pole-danced together at the Brass Rail, a club downtown, an hour after the game ended.

Trinity Scharlau, a self-proclaimed "Midwestern Eagles fan" — meaning probably not down with attacking elderly Vikings fans named Millie — said he drove from La Crosse, Wis., just to watch the game at a downtown bar for the atmosphere. His friend also wore an Eagles jersey so Scharlau didn't have to suffer alone as an open fan of the team that knocked the Vikings out of the playoffs.

"I was speechless after the game," he said. "To be honest, I started crying."

Joe and Ben Irwin also expressed their elation after the game ended. Joe said he promised his son Ben, a devout Eagles fan, that if his team got into the playoffs he'd find a way to go. They bought tickets for $4,000 a piece on Stub Hub. When their wish came true, Joe flew Ben in from his college in Montreal for the game.

Fading downtown

Around midnight, Minneapolis' downtown bar nucleus didn't look like the scene of the biggest sports event of the year.

With subzero temperatures, the streets were hardly full.

"I'm questioning myself being out here," said Colin Trunley, one of many pedi-cab drivers trying to take advantage of the expected influx in crowd.

Trunley said the city was "kind of a playground" during the Super Bowl madness, but the cold was keeping them inside.

"It's been pretty slow," he said. "It's zero degrees."

Has he seen any celebrities?

"I wish. They're all in limousines."

By 3 a.m., an hour after normal bar close in the city, many with 4 a.m.-closing privileges were shuttering early. The streets were almost empty.

On Nicollet Mall, beyond the vacant and mostly dismantled Super Bowl Live equipment, fans wearing bald eagle heads continued to celebrate inside Brit's Pub and Eatery.

Josh Goldman, a Philly native now living in Tennessee, said he was impressed with Minneapolis, despite the weather.

"I thought it was going to be a little city, but it's a big city," he said. And Vikings fans have been treating him nicely.

The Eagles Super Bowl win is weird, he said. It's never happened before.

And how is he celebrating the occasion?

"I'm trying to figure out how much whiskey can fit in my body."

Andy Mannix • 612-673-4036