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Krista Tippett, the host of an award-winning Minnesota Public Radio show about religious life, will talk about faith and what place it has in our lives at an event this month at Luther Seminary.

Tippett will lead a discussion called "Speaking of Faith: Why Religion Matters and How to Think About it" at the seminary campus in St. Paul on Feb. 19, according to a released statement from the religious school.

Tippett is expected to discuss the same big questions she addresses in her show "On Being," which is broadcast nationally on public radio stations and online.

"An Evening with Krista Tippett" begins at 7 p.m. in the Olson Campus Center in St. Paul.

Those attending the event can contribute to a collection to support the Luther Seminary FRIENDS endowed scholarship fund. The FRIENDS is a group of more than 200 people from Twin Cities area congregations who support and minister to the seminary through prayer, financial gifts and volunteering.

Luther Seminary is the largest of the eight seminaries in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).