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Wonder if anyone ever asks them if it's full of eels.

AHOY Surely I'm not the only one who wants to see a movie set in its dystopian, fascistic society ten years after it set sail as a sovereign nation:

And if they don't pay? Can the leaders just toss them over board? I'd think you'd want to read the EULA verrrry carefully before signing up. The article notes: The question of legality onboard is a little murky too, though the Freedom Ship will likely have to operate under the laws of the country whose flag they fly."

Which means residents might have to get used to hearing the phrase "well, Liberian courts have declined to bring charges for that" a lot.

WEB CULTURE From the Daily Dot, everything that's wrong with Reddit, right here:

Okay. I don't care what marvelous things he's saying, or how much lovely floral-scented karma wafts from his posts. I'm not up voting anyone named prostitute_strangler.

Mind you, the Century Club is not a physical location with cabanas on the beach. It's just a BBS for the elite. Or was, until people with lots more than 100K points got tired of the hoi polloi:

Somehow I don't expect to see that accomplishment pop up in an obit in 20 years, but you never know.

SOMEONE'S BEEN SLEEPING IN MY BED And he's still there! The Three Bears, of course, could have just clawed this guy into a bloody mess. Humans have only the courts.

How does this happen? The family shows up with the sheriff, who listens to the guy in your house, and says "well, he has a point." Are there family pictures on the wall? A name on the title? This is insane.

MOVIES Sigh. Deadline:

The comments are depressing, too; about 50% weigh in with "big whoop." Well, it does matter. There's something amiss when we have every episode of "Gilligan's Island" but we've lost the majority of silent films.

Off to drive around and see how people are coping with the snow. Poorly, I expect.