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At, our small army of volunteer users write reviews, start discussions, contribute to top 10 lists and guides, and basically form an online community. By joining this mystical realm, you accumulate "karma" -- the metaphoric name for our user scoring system -- and win prizes such as concert tickets, shopping sprees and the occasional iPhone. Not bad.

In's first year, a handful of super-users have risen above the karmic pile. They are the karma superstars: breakfast expert PeterHDK, "no. 2 male socialite" MattMartigan, nostalgia buff booders2311, St. Paul foodie Aurinko, and web savior thejackal. But who the heck are they? What superpowers do they want? Why were most of them born in 1975? Are the men required to have beards? Most importantly, what are their secrets to building massive amounts of karma? Read on, young karma seeker. Read on.

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