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If there is one thing I don't enjoy, that would be combat fishing. Sure put a little money on the line, and I might be willing to rub rails with other boats if they want to. But for the most part, I like to get out and away from the most popular areas on the lake. I like to fish away from the crowds if at all possible. That is why I try and spend several days on the water each year on different lakes, or just different areas of bigger lakes looking for new ground, or is that water. I was out for 6 hours on Monday looking over a lake I have been spending a little more time on this year. For the most part, I had my fishing pole set in the rod holder and was not looking at it very much, I could have just as well never even put the line in the water. My eyes were glued to the electronics. I like to look for little spots not far from other known areas. For example not 50 yards away from a known reef there might be another small pile of rocks just barely noticeable on sonar. Maybe a bed of clams. something that changes the bottom, but is overlooked by most fisherman. Most times I learn something new when out there marking new bottom not listed on any maps. Here's one for you ... How many of you fished a spot for hours with the sonar lit up with fish trying to figure out what you might have in your box to offer them that might change their mind to eat. You try every form of live bait known to man, presented every way known as well, heck you try spinners, jigs, bobbers, spoons, but those fish just don't want to eat. Maybe it's that cold front? Maybe you're thinking it's the moon? (Back to Monday) As I zig-zaged on and off the edges and across the flats looking for these hidden little spot on the spot on the spot areas I was watching the other boats on the lake as well. everyone seemed to be moving from one place to the next like a cake walk.(Add music here) I eased up to one of those areas and dropped the camera down, set the auto-pilot, and watched the screen for details with my finger on the WPT button ... Suckers! hundreds of them! plastered to the bottom of one of the nicest rock piles in the lake. I eased back and forth marking the start and end of the pile on the GPS knowing this is also home to walleyes. I've caught them there. But it was right then and there that I realized that I did get some satisfaction from those fish. They did not even have to stretch my line to do it. I grinned at thinking how many people were fishing those fish thinking they were walleye. I left them alone uninterrupted for the time being. But I am wondering how a big gob of worms laying on the bottom in 23 foot of water might work ... If it's as much fun in the summer as it is in the spring, I see a boat full of kids tormenting those fish real soon.