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If you like hummingbirds, Henderson, Minnesota, a picturesque town along the Minnesota River, hosts its third annual Hummingbird Hurrah this weekend, Aug. 20-21. It's a neat birding festival, nearby, with a full two-day program. Drop in for a one of two events, or make a weekend of it.

There will be children's activities, hummingbird banding, garden tours, vendors, workshops and a Saturday evening dinner with keynote speaker Al Batt.

Workshops by Jim Gilbert, Carrol Henderson, Don Mitchell, Kelly Applegate and Ron Windingstad include: Natures Happenings in Late Summer and Early Autumn; Gardening for Hummingbirds; Hummingbirds from Minnesota to Machu Picchu; Purple Martin Biology and Conservation; and Chimney Swift Conservation.

For complete information go to Web site

Below, a male Ruby-throated Hummingbird perched, a juvenile feeding at geraniums, and a juvenile in hand.