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Just when you think you've seen it all. Huggies just came out with denim-inspired diapers.

What? Daisy Dukes for babies?

They have been getting mixed reviews from "super cute" to "why?"

Read the article about these diapers here from below.

Huggies jeans ridiculousness.

Last night, we were out running errands. Lo and behold, there they were. The diaper jean(ies) were on an endcap display at Target. I came to a halt and pointed at the boxes to my discerning diva Vivian. " Okay Vivi, if you were still in diapers would you wear those? "

She looked at me and said. "Nope-itty nope!"

There you have it folks, straight from the mouth of a 2.5 year old.

Nope-itty nope.

I forgot to take note of the price of the diapers, but after checking, looks like the denim style are $19.99 while a similar box of the regular Huggies Little Movers is $16.99.

What do you think? Cute or creepy? Would you pay $3.00 more for these?