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Few things are worse than coming home from a long day only to find that your house is a mess and in need of a deep clean. It's all too easy to let unopened mail pile up, to neglect sticky kitchen counters and forget to unload the dishwasher before making a new mess. If there's one person who knows how to handle these common pitfalls, it's organization coach Maeve Richmond. Here's how Richmond keeps her home clutter-free.

Designate a "drop zone": According to Richmond, this is a place near the main entrance of your home where you can toss everyday items like your wallet, keys and gym bag when you come home. Use a table, cabinet, bench or shelf to hold all your essentials so you always know exactly where they are.

Clean once a week: Taking the time to clean your home's major surfaces once a week is not a major commitment, but it can make a serious difference in the way your space looks and feels. "My quick cleaning routine involves running one Swiffer pad over the shelves near my windows and sweeping the floor. Every few weeks I take things a step further and run a cloth along tinier home surfaces, like the edges of my picture frames," writes Richmond.

Give objects a home: "The most important lesson I teach my organization clients is that everything has a home," Richmond says. When you designate locations for all of your belongings, clutter is much easier to manage, and it makes cleaning up a cinch. If things get out of place during a busy week, simply take a few minutes to put things away over the weekend.