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The University of Minnesota hopes to name the search com­mit­tee and search firm for its va­cant athletic director po­si­tion with­in the next week, school spokes­man Evan Lapiska said Thurs­day.

Beth Goetz has served as the school's in­ter­im AD since Norwood Teague a­brupt­ly re­signed amid al­le­ga­tions of sex­ual har­ass­ment Aug. 7.

University President Eric Kaler of­fi­cial­ly launched the search for Teague's re­place­ment Feb. 12, and that day, Goetz an­nounced she would pur­sue the job.

At the time, the school an­nounced that Kaler ex­pect­ed to name a search firm and search com­mit­tee of about 10 mem­bers by early March, with final­ists iden­ti­fied by late spring.

Kaler has said that he would like the hire finalized by July 1.