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The garden's asleep. It's time to take care of the gardener.

I try to wear sunscreen. I really do. But for the past few years when I know I'm going to spend serious time in the garden (more than a quick pass-through grabbing a berry or bloom) I tend to just cover up rather than slather. Long pants, shirt with sleeves and gloves, maybe a hat. It's not a style statement but it saves my skin so to speak.

I grew up on Southern California beaches and earned every wrinkle and freckle I have the honest way. But now that smorgasbord of skin oddities is a constant source of worry. I go and get something taken off every now and then, but this week I decided to go and get all checked out. If you garden, you should go too. It's easy to lose yourself in the garden and also lose track of how much time you put in with the sun beating down while you play.

It's easy to put it off. As in, oh god I'll have to shave my legs. I ruminated all night about the potential time bombs that might be ticking on my skin's surface. I was dreading the possibility of some slice and dice procedures but got lucky with just a few squirts from the ice cannister instead. And now I can use that energy for planning next year's garden instead of worrying about whether I have skin cancer.

Get an appointment. With lots of people busy out shopping and partying I bet there's an available opening just right for your schedule. Get the full body scan. It's not that bad. It's one less New Year's resolution you'll have to make come January 1.