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MOCAcuff $69
This easy-to-use cuff monitors blood pressure

Sometimes you review the kind of gadgets you buy for someone you love.

These are also the gadgets your doctor might nag you to use.

The following two from MOCAcare fall in that category.

If you are looking for a new blood pressure monitor, the MOCAcuff isn't too expensive, and it's easy to use.

Many blood pressure monitors on the market do not record and store the readings.

Consumers can use MOCAcuff that way, but with a Bluetooth connection, the device will record the readings. You just need to download the MOCAcare app onto your smartphone.

Readings are stored in a section called My History.

You can add contacts, if you like, so you can share your data with your friends or your doctor.

The connection between the app and the devices worked every time.

The MOCAcuff is a wrist cuff with Velcro attachment. It runs on two AA batteries (included), which should last for around 200 readings.

The MOCAcuff pros? It's a simple interface, works with or without the app and it's easy to use. No true cons.

The bottom line: It's a nice blood pressure monitor that's convenient to use and has a useful app.

MOCAheart $99
This device monitors heart rate and blood oxygen levels

Related to MOCAcuff is the MOCAheart, a small oval about the size of a car's key fob.

It's designed to take readings from your thumbs.

Press the power button, and the MOCAheart pairs with your smartphone to begin a reading.

Lightly hold your thumbs on the MOCAheart and let it do its thing for 30 seconds, and you will see your reading, a measurement called the MOCA index that takes into account heart rate and blood oxygen level.

The device will tell you if the index number means you should see your doctor or if it is an ideal number.

It's good information, and the device is easy to use, but unlike the MOCAcuff, you must use the app.

And while blood pressure is straightforward in monitoring, not every doctor would agree that a patient needs MOCAheart data in this fashion.