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You can't walk through our living room these days. That's because it's crammed full with two giant sofas -- the one that's supposed to be there and the one that belongs to our college-student daughter.

We bought it last year from a girl who was vacating the apartment our daughter was moving into. She and her roommates needed a couch, and the price was right. (dirt cheap!)

This year, our daughter rented a furnished apartment, with no room for last year's sofa. We don't want to get rid of it -- it's a good leather sofa, well-worn but sturdy and comfortable. Who knows where she'll live next year or whether she'll need it? So for now, it's waiting in our living room, the designated storage locker because it's the least-used space in the house.

We could have put it in the garage. But that's already full. Jammed in one corner is the world's-smallest-futon, bought from Ikea because it was the only one tiny enough to fit in her freshman dorm room. Next to it are last year's dresser, and the area rug from the year before.

There's also our son's hockey net (he graduated from high school earlier this year), the kids' old play furniture (too cute to get rid of) and even the heirloom cradle that someone gave us when our firstborn was a baby. It has sentimental value. And the kids might want it for their own kids someday ...

We've gotten rid of other furniture that our family has simply outgrown (bunk beds, crib, changing table). But the stash of borderline furniture-in-waiting is getting out of hand. How about you? Are you storing stuff for your young-adult kids? What are you hanging on to? Do you rent a storage locker? Or just ditch the stuff and make the kids start from scratch?