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Q We bought a new digital TV. What do we do with the old TV?

A Don't just automatically discard it. If it's in good working order, it can be used for playing video games, watching DVDs etc. Or give it away for just those purposes. You can do that by posting it on an Internet site such as Craigslist (http://minneapolis or Twin Cities Free Market (www.twin These are sites for people looking to give or get something free or at low cost.

If the TV is not in good working order, and is only good for recycling, look for :

• Take-back programs: Some manufacturers and retailers will take back your old electronics for recycling.

• Garbage haulers: Some haulers, such as in Minneapolis, pick up electronics for recycling.

• Recycling companies: You can drop off your old electronics at a recycler. Some recyclers pick up electronics for recycling.

• Government recycling programs: Your city, county or neighborhood may pick up electronics, offer dropoff sites, or accept electronics at community cleanup events.

There are ways to recycle a TV without paying fees. Go to for a list of recycling options. Under "Residents -- Getting Rid of Your Stuff" is a drop-down menu that includes the heading "Electronics, TVs and Computers." Click on "local government programs" and "electronics recyclers" to find free electronic recycling options.

For laptops only, you can order a free kit from the Recycling Association of Minnesota (www.recycleminnesota .org) to recycle, using a postage-paid program. The kit includes instructions on how to package your laptop, re-using a box from home and a postage-paid label for mailing your laptop to a legitimate recycler.

Handicapped only Q I know of a woman who uses her deceased husband's handicapped-parking card for her convenience. Is this allowed?

A No. The disability certificate is issued for use strictly by the person or organization named on the application and nobody else. Misuse of the certificate is a misdemeanor and subject to a fine.

Send your questions to Fixit in care of the Star Tribune, 425 Portland Av., Minneapolis, MN 55488, or call 612-673-7032, or e-mail Past columns are available at Sorry, Fixit cannot supply individual replies.