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Emily Hopper

18, student

What are you wearing? Free People dress, Minnetonka Moccasins, H&M sweater, thrift store backpack.

Describe your style: My own.

Best crazy outfit sighted at MayDay: A lady with a skirt made of cans.

If you could take a VW bug painted with fairies and elves anywhere, where would it be? The Boundary Waters.

James Fowler

24, office manager at a law firm

What are you wearing? Sperry Top-Siders, Levi's trousers, vintage JC Penney polo, Gap chambray button-down.

Describe your style: Pax Americana.

What's your favorite south Minneapolis spot? Sunrise Inn.

If you could take a VW bug painted with fairies and elves anywhere, where would it be? The body shop.

Lily Lewis

17, student, sales associate at American Apparel

What are you wearing? American Apparel dress, Jeffrey Campbell oxfords, socks from Urban Outfitters and a vintage blazer, belt and bag.

Describe your style: Classic pieces mixed with vintage.

What's your favorite south Minneapolis spot? Quang Restaurant for a No. 406.

Best crazy outfit sighted at MayDay: All the neon leggings and crossdressers.

Cody Frey

23, "rag trade"

What are you wearing? Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker denim shirt, Champs-Elysees shoes via Everyday People, Baggalini bag.

Describe your style: Homosexual dad.

Best crazy outfit sighted at MayDay: The wearable puppetry.

If you could take a VW bug painted with fairies and elves anywhere, where would it be? First, in to be painted black. Then Mesopotamia.