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'I <3 MPLS' shirts

In the spirit of one-upmanship, screen-printing company Anthem Heart unveiled a new design at the Bastille Day Block Party: its take on's "I MPLS" T-shirts. Anthem Heart's version references social media with its use of the "<" and "3" symbols used in online-speak. The shirts are available for $23 at Cliché, ROBOTlove and the upcoming Red Stag Block Party.

Caffetto Craft Fair

More than 40 local artisans and designers will sell jewelry, bike accessories, bags, woodwork, art prints, hand-blown glass, zines, comics and more at this annual fair. Martine Lizama will have a booth for her bold jewelry line, Imelda, which features a mix of natural materials and vintage chain. Also look for Briana Auel's Broken Heart Social Club line of naughty screen-printed goodies, including the middle finger pillow and "Ride Me" bike-inspired T-shirt. The music lineup includes Black Audience, Gabe Barnett and the Big House Jug Band, and Kenwood Slim & His Fairly Reliable Backup Band.