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An anonymous Farmington High School is on a mission to make the school a kinder place, one compliment at a time.

Three weeks ago, the "FHS Compliments" account, with the handle @FHSKindness_, appeared on Twitter, offering students and even the occasional administrator a dose of cheer.

The student has been tweeting messages like "You're nice and very good at lacrosse. Have a great night" or "You're one of the strongest, most beautiful people I've ever met" to other Farmington teens on Twitter, some of whom she's met, and some she hasn't.

She called Assistant Principal Jason Berg "a pretty cool" administrator and noted how much he cares about his students.

So far, she's tweeted 144 compliments and amassed 307 followers, including Superintendent Jay Haugen.

In the past few years, other students across the country have started similar "Compliments" Twitter accounts, devoted to sharing positive words about classmates.

The message is a nice antidote to some of the negativity that surrounds social media and students, said Principal Ben Kusch, including issues with cyber-bullying.

"It's hard to be against something like that," said Kusch. "Boy, you think about all the negative ways that social media can be used ... and it's really kind of neat to see someone doing something positive."