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With oversized azure balloons dangling from the ceiling, a blue-green "teal-tini"cocktail and a blue dress code, teal was clearly the color of the night at the Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance's (MOCA) annual Mid-Summer's Night Gala.

The nonprofit organization uses teal as a vibrant "spokes-color" for ovarian cancer. "We are trying to raise awareness for the disease, because there is no test," said Kathleen Gavin, the executive director.

The lack of a viable test can lead to late diagnosis. That's why MOCA is taking the message to the streets. As part of the "Tie It Teal" awareness campaign, the organization will distribute teal-colored shoelaces.

Sarah Noonan understands the importance of getting out the word about ovarian cancer. She was treated for ovarian cancer in her early 30s. "There's a misconception that ovarian cancer only happens to older women," she said. "Many of us were diagnosed accidentally."

Noonan is now involved with MOCA's young survivor's network. "It's great for women to know you're not alone," she said.

Sara Glassman • 612-673-7177