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(As told by his grandpa, Bill Bowers, of Eau Claire, Wis.)

On Sunday afternoon [in October] of the Wisconsin youth deer hunt, I was in a hay bale ground blind with my 12-year-old grandson, Monty Wilson of River Falls, Wis., and his 9-year-old cousin, Parker Wilson of Cameron, Wis. This was on my land in Buffalo County. It was 83 degrees, so our optimism was dwindling when just before dark, a big 10-pointer walked into the field. I saw the deer first while the kids played with their electronics. Chaos ensued, as I was more excited than the kids! Try as he might, Monty couldn't get lined up on the deer. Finally he sat on my knee and shot freehand! We heard the buck go down in an adjacent cornfield. This was Monty's sixth deer in six shots in his third hunting season. It was one of my best times ever with the kids. Parker can't wait for next year, when he'll also be old enough to hunt.