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Rep. Keith Ellison has one of the most DFL-leaning districts in Minnesota, but the two-term Democrat isn't taking any chances this election year.

After Ellison's opponent Republican Joel Demos announced last week that he had raised enough money to air a campaign ad — featuring his young kids at "work" — during tonight's Vikings Monday Night Football game, Ellison responded to his supporters with a fundraising appeal.

"We cannot let my opponent get away with misleading voters about my record of advancing prosperity for working families," the fundraising letter said. "I need your help to counter his TV ad that will be seen by tens of thousands of voters."

The ad blames Ellison and Congress for the country's debt, saying: "If we don't stop Keith Ellison and congress from exploding the debt, our children will pay for it."

Ellison has not run any ads this election season, though he holds a wide fundraising advantage over Demos. As of the last reporting cycle ending July 21, Ellison had raised $945,000 with $210,000 cash on hand, compared to $24,000 raised and $1,300 cash on hand for Demos (the newest fundraising numbers will be released Friday).