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Someone should do a survey to see if sales at the liquor stores tick upward when the phrase "Wintry Mix" is spoken by broadcasters in April. Well, don't despair. You know how some people mitigate the depressing effect of prolonged spring rains by saying "it's good for the crops"? This weather, MPR instructs us, is good for the lakes.

Nice to know! Also, absolutely no consolation whatsoever.

HISTORY For no particular reason, some more ads from the 1933 Simpsons Methodist cookbook. Behold a series of unfamiliar medical treatments:

Diathermy heats you up. The Morse Wave Generator is explained here:

Quackery. The Kromeyer Lamp is described here. More quackery.

Another ad reminds you it might be time for your COUNTER-ACTION FACIAL:

The Barnum Building? As far as I can tell, it was named for a local trunk manufacturer. All long gone.

SCAMS Atlantic has a story on door-to-door magazine salesmen. You may not be surprised to find they are not exactly on the level. They used the word "trapped" to describe the participants. They weren't dragooned or gang-pressed into the job, but it sounds like the worst of indentured servitude without the job security. Ever had a run-in with these crews? I had one guy yell at me for not even wanting to talk about magazines. Not the best sales technique.

Key pull-quote: "When companies parade as something they are not, sell goods that never arrive, and don't refund the money, it all leads to suspicion of fraud." That's getting waaaaay out there, but you know, it could be so.