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What Minneapolis officials say coaching is used for:

"Helping an officer to improve their report-writing skills" and "to address an officer's attitude as well as help with training" — Former Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo, at May 21, 2021, Police Conduct Oversight Commission (PCOC) meeting.

"Only the most low-level policy violations," such as "errors in report writing or the quality of reports, engagement with folks when our officers are providing service, seatbelt violations and driving violations related to minor crashes with squad cars." — Deputy Chief Amelia Huffman, at May 21, 2021, PCOC meeting

"Everyday decisions and behavior, like verbal tone and language …" — City spokesman Casper Hill, statement to Star Tribune, Aug. 25, 2021

What court documents show is coached:

Letting K-9 off the leash, allowing it to attack a civilian

Mishandling service weapon and firing a round into precinct wall

Violation of use-of-force policy

Failing to report fellow officer's use of force that resulted in injury of person in custody

Improperly detaining person in squad car

Searching a vehicle "without any apparent legal authority to do so."

Failure to maintain squad lights in emergency

Violation of no-pursuit policy

Repeatedly using foul language toward a civilian while telling them to get out of a car and to "shut … up."