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Not a big Leo fan, myself; when he's doing his "Thinking And Scowling" routine he always looks as if he's really angry about constipation. But his name should help this project, and that's good. With the right amount of CGI, the resurrection of the 1893 World's Fair could be one of the most beautiful things seen on the screen. Hollywood Reporter reports from Hollywood:

Unlike the "Girl Who Appeared in the Title of a Book" series, "White City" was a true story, and well-written. It will be Burnham's story they'll probably cut. Or they'll Hollywoodize it, and Burnham will realize at the last moment he knows who the killer is, and runs to the Fair, where he confronts Holmes on the Ferris Wheel. One will fall to his death! Who will it be?

If they're smart, they won't try to mash them together. Perhaps a scene where they bump into each other at the World's Fair when a clumsy workman drops something and blocks the sidewalk. "I say, my good man," Burnham barks, "I'll have your job for this. What's your name?"

"Elias," the man stutters. "Elias Disney."

Yes, Walt Disney's father worked construction on one of the nation's greatest theme park. More useless information that will lodge in your brain, waiting for a chance to escape.