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The problem with concerts are the people who share your tastes. The ones who do stupid things that spoil it for everyone - shouting WOOO! during the quiet parts, standing on their seats so no one behind can see, throwing up, lighting shirts on fire and waving them around, fireworks, and so on. Festival seating! they called it. It was neither.

At least in those days you weren't a risk from the band itself. This is just remarkable. The Independent:

Here it is. Warning: swear words, because he's a serious artist with something to say.

He fell on the ground because people got out of the way. Most people when they see an object falling from on high will get out of the way.

HISTORY This happens when you raze the city from time to time.

Gezer. eh? Not Gozer? That would be the area for your ancient Sumeria devil-deities, you know. Anyway, how did they find this place?

Pity that Amenhotep 3 just gets mentioned as the grandfather of Tut. He ruled a long time - almost 40 years, scholars believe - and Egypt did well under his reign. Wikipedia notes that he suffered from something that was rare in ancient times: old age.


TV From Hollywood Reporter:

Six episodes is just about enough. The series was so much better in its third season; leaner and richer, and Kinnaman dialed back the sneezy qualities.

CHECKING IN Let's revisit the strange blog that barfs up random search terms with a Minnesota flavor. Mo link; don't want to send it a jot of traffic, let alone an iota. Today's subject: Northfield!

That's one way of putting it. Now, strap in and prepare for whiplash:

Easy to see how someone could stumble across this page and think "finally, my source for quality legal advice."